How Does a 4-Day Workweek Improve Productivity?

A 4-day workweek sounds more like a distant dream than an achievable reality, but there are businesses that have found success with shorter workweeks. This tendency has been on the rise in recent months. This will give people time to enjoy their lives outside of work as well as have time to take care of themselves as well as more time for other activities.

The four-day workweek is based on the idea that it is possible to work fewer hours per week and still accomplish the same amount of work. This means that employees are not being forced to work more than they can handle. Instead, they have a choice in the matter. Here’s how it can improve productivity.

What is a 4 Day Work Week?

The 4-day workweek is an arrangement in which a person works four days per week instead of the traditional five. There are many different reasons why someone might be interested in this type of work schedule.

Some people might be looking for ways to reduce their hours at work or they might simply be interested in reducing the amount of time spent working, Whatever the reason, there are certain advantages and disadvantages associated with a 4 day work week. Below, we discussed some of them so that you can decide if a 4 day work week is right for you.

Working Hours:

A four-day week typically comes with 8 to 10 hours of work each day. Most companies are flexible about the time you work, but in general, an average of 40 hours a week is the norm.

The hope is that working fewer days per week frees up more time for employees to exercise, maintain their existing social relationships (or form new ones), and find fulfilment outside of work.

Benefits of a 4-Day Workweek:

There number of benefits to a four-day working week. The most obvious benefit is that you get an extra day off, but there are other less obvious benefits as well. Some of the major benefits include:

Boosting Productivity

A four-day working week would result in less stress and anxiety for employees. This is because they would have more time to relax and recharge, which would lead to improved productivity when they return to work.

Improved Work/Life Balance

It would also lead to increased family time and social interaction. Employees would be able to spend more time with their friends and families, which can be both beneficial for their personal lives and their work lives.

Better Interdepartmental

Research has shown that long hours don’t translate to higher performance, and in fact, can have a negative impact on employees. One reason is that working long hours can lead to interpersonal conflicts and communication breakdowns between departments within a company. A four-day workweek not only allows for employees to maintain better family lives but also fosters more collaboration between departments, enhancing teamwork and increasing efficiency at work.

Retention of Staff

One of the main goals of a four-day workweek is to retain employees. The time for extracurricular activities such as exercise, hobbies and spending quality time with family can help keep employees happy. They will then be more productive at their jobs since they are motivated to be there and not dread going to work every day. It also offers those with children or other family commitments an opportunity to spend more time outside of work hours.

Drawbacks of a 4-Day Workweek

There have been a lot of talks lately about the possibility of a 4-day working week. Some people are in favour of it, while others are against it. Some of the red flags that are raised by critics of a 4-day working week include:

Expensive to Implement

Reducing the workweek may be beneficial in some ways, but it can also be costly to implement. In most companies, a 4-day workweek would mean an increase in the cost of employment. If everyone worked 4 days per week, it would mean that employees would have to share their workload with each other, which could lead to problems if they are not all on the same page.

Turn Up Pressure

If a company implements a 4-day working week, it could create an atmosphere of pressure. If employees have to work extra hours per day to cover the same amount of time as they currently do, they may feel pressured to work even harder than they normally would.

Lack of Motivation

Employees who do not feel that they are being treated fairly may not be as motivated to work. If an employee is expected to work a four-day week, it can give them less incentive to do their job as well.

What Business Experts Say On 4-Day Workweek

Many business experts, from successful entrepreneurs to top executives, have come out in favour of the 4-day workweek as one of the best ways to improve productivity and encourage employees to work more efficiently.

Theola, Co-Founder of VinPit says “The four-day workweek is ideal for employees who are able to adjust to the new schedule, as well as those who are able to be flexible to accommodate it. You’ll have to find a balance between employee productivity and employee satisfaction, as well as business efficiency.”

It is one of the most popular options to help entrepreneurs and small business owners in running their businesses.

Sometimes 4-day workweek is less productive and more of a burden than many employers expect. CEO of Aimvein, Austin shared some strategies, he says “If you’re considering a 4-day workweek arrangement for your business, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, good planning and communication are essential. You’ll also need to make sure that employees have enough time to rest and recharge. Finally, be prepared to face some challenges, such as decreased productivity or higher absenteeism rates. With careful planning and execution, though, a 4-day workweek can be successful for both businesses and employees.”

So, it’s good to know that arrangement is not just for CEOs but also for employees as well.

Now, look at the Stine, Director of HR at HeatXperts experience, he says “Even though having a shorter week has many short terms and long-term benefits, employers around the world show resistance while implementing it. This occurs due to the fact that employers believe there would be lesser employee engagement since people would be meeting each other less. Moreover, many businesses cannot afford customer dissatisfaction through employees being unavailable for three days rather than two”

Jod, Founder of 1Energysystems says “Working an abbreviated week of work implies representatives can invest more energy unwinding. A casual worker has a reasonable mindset, gets diverted less effectively, and has fewer issues zeroing in on work.”

The Supervisor of Imgkits Amanda says “3-day weekend is exciting but keep in mind that the consequence of this is having to work for 35 hours for four days. It may seem radical, but it reflects poorly on customers as they will have limited time to access your offices on Fridays. Also, the employees’ productivity becomes less as the time gets longer. It also affects employees’ engagement and work-life balance. However, a 4-day workweek is not all that bad. It has benefits too, like an equal workplace which means employees can spend more time with their families due to the three days off.”

Precondo‘s COO, Samantha says about the disadvantages of a 4-day workweek “One of its major disadvantages from the company’s perspective is customer dissatisfaction. General feedback received from the customers was that they couldn’t access the services as the offices were closed on Friday. This policy will be appreciated by the customers when the whole sector as a community adopts it.”

So there is also a challenge of staying focused and motivated during four day work week.

The Founder of TAODigital, Lydia focuses on challenge and says “It won’t work for every business, such as those in the hospitality industry, and larger corporations may find it more difficult to compete against their competitors who are working five days a week”

The experts have spoken and it seems that the 4-day workweek is a viable way to increase productivity and happiness in the workplace. While there may be some challenges in implementing the change, the benefits are clear.